Monday, February 6, 2012

Chic Non-Floral Bouquets

Getting married at the beach? How about a seashell bouquet?

These feathers would be great for a Gatsby-style late night wedding.

This would be so beautiful for an autumn wedding. The bridesmaids could carry smaller versions, then they could be used for decor at the head table!

So perfect for a bookwork bride and groom. Maybe the rings could be brought to the altar in a hollowed out book?

There are so many amazing options available for the bride who chooses to forgo traditional floral bouquets. The benefits are obvious:
Price. Why spend a bundle on flowers you are going to use for exactly one hour? Spend those bucks somewhere else, like on a zip line ride on your honeymoon!
Longevity. You get to keep your beautiful bouquet forever!
Green. No flowers were cut, less pesticides were sprayed, and all that jazz.
Style. You know for sure that no one else will rock your exact bouquet.
Fun! Think of all the amazing spring Saturdays you'll spend scouring flea markets for the perfect brooches.

Inspired yet?

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